Discover how you can live an inspired and empowered life.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Get started today at either of our state of the art infrared heated studios. Let us help you get your life back.

A yoga studio located in Suffolk County offering different type of yoga classes.
Infrared Heated Studio, 26 & 2, Bikram Yoga,

Bayport Studio

Suffolk County, New York

Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast or simply looking to have fun with others, our studio is the perfect place for you.

Setauket Studio

Infrared Heated Studio located in Suffolk County, New York.

Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance as you engage in invigorating yoga sessions.

Our Mission

Inclusive and safe space for people to come and work out (whether it’s their “shiva” or their bodies.) Through teaching practical alignment based beginners yoga classes, we’re attempting to connect mind and body. It is our belief that mind body connection is the backdoor to accidental spirituality.

Why others choose us?



Our yoga family is a supportive and welcoming community. Connect with fellow yogis and build meaningful relationships that go beyond the mat.